
Print Design

When trying to capture the attention of clients, business professionals, or peers, visual aesthetics are crucial to a successful campaign. This is especially true of print design, which is the foundation of digital design.

 4Gash Design Studio has extensive experience in all print media, including poster art, elaborate page/catalog layout, brochure design, and corporate identification systems.  He can also assist with photo retouching or other design projects. 

4Gash Design Studio's visual solutions are reached through a comprehensive research and development process. This methodology guarantees a result that is sure to embody all that you are seeking in a design. It's important to the Studio to stay in contact with the client throughout the project, ensuring the design is perfect. If you think you would enjoy the personal attention and service offered by 4Gash Design Studio, contact us today.

10 Ways to Ensure Your Business Materials get Tossed
The “File under G” Dilemma

Having been in the printing and design business for most of my life, I have seen my share of “file it under G (garbage)” business materials. Print promotions that don’t stand out will immediately be filed under G, so it is the mission of 4Gash Design Studio to help you create materials that will hook your potential clients and get them to take a closer look at what you have to say.

When you hand a potential business associate a business card or other print material, keep three things in mind:
1) Your prospect wants you to WOW them.
2) Your prospect wants you to show them something unique.
3) Your prospect forms an opinion of you in the first 30 seconds.

When conceiving your print materials, take time to think about your best method of approach. What do you want to promote? Who is your intended audience? How should you pitch your services to make sure they choose you over the competition?

4GDS can not only help with the creative aspect of the process, but also with the technical facet. Whether you design your piece yourself or we help you, you will need a professional to ensure proper quality. We are well versed in professional desktop publishing programs such as Adobe Photo Shop, Corel Draw, Quark Express, or Adobe Illustrator. We will make sure your product is optimized for the best possible print result.

10 Tips to Get Your Business Card Filed under ‘G” (Garbage)

1) Print type that is the size of ant’s feet. Your eyes may be great, but mine aren’t.

2) Print on perforated business card templates from your inkjet or laser printer. Remember that first impression?

3) Choose colors that clash or do not compliment each other. There is a color wheel that explains how 10 colors relate to each other. These colors have 3 basic relationships: Adjacent, Contrasting and Complimentary. Adjacent colors share a common side and are similar. Contrasting colors are those that have three other colors between them. Complimentary colors are those on opposite sides of the color wheel.

4) Use a co-worker’s business card and hand-write your information on it. You might be able to use this once, but don’t try it on your second or third meeting.

5) Print your business card with typographically incorrect information, then try to patch it up. Make sure to edit the first time so the client does not think you often make mistakes in your work.
6) Chew bubble gum, wear sunglasses, or wear a beard. Although these will not necessarily get your business card discarded, your business card should serve as a reminder of you. In the real estate sector, for example, most agents print a picture of themselves on their business cards for this reason.

7) Print your business card in an irregularly large format. Your card may look unique and professional, but I can’t file it in the business card file system where I keep all my key suppliers. Oversized business cards are becoming more popular and, given the right circumstances, can be delivered effectively. From an overall perspective, however, I recommend that mainstream business stick with the standard size: 2 X 3 ½”.

8) Print your critical contact information on the back or inside a fold-over business card. Again, this impedes the filing system. Once I file your business card, all your contact information should be easily read at a glance. I want to place my order now.

9) Print on thin or flimsy material. This projects a cheap image. If you managed to WOW prospects and your business card makes it to their files, it will it will not survive the test of time.

10) Cram as much information as possible into a small space. This is the final and most important for the rookie to intermediate graphic designers. Have you ever heard of looktoocloseitis? Many graphic designers work on their computers at a highly magnified viewing level. Everything looks great at 500% magnified view, but when the card is printed, it is at 100%. A good practice before sending your business card file for professional printing is to print your own hard copy and give it a glace from a 3-foot distance. If your message is not being communicated, go back to editing and repeat the process.